None of the twenty-five players plus two guests signed a scorecard in the net 60s, ever wondered why? Why it was Lakeridge. A challenging golf course indeed. But somebody or somebodies would win it regardless, wouldn’t you think so? A bit of shower irritably fell during the round at cool nineteen degrees Celsius but ultimately stopped and got a little bit warmer at the back nine. A lot of players were so disappointed after they found out after finishing their round that Lakeridge’s canteen, restroom and the pro shop were all closed. Not too many players booked for that day because of the rain.
Another team of first timers eventually won last Sunday making them the tenth new winners and the fifth time to share the day prize. This time around, the effervescent JC Montilla had the big hitting Ed Ilao settled for a joint day prize winner with a hard-earned net score of 71. Scoring was so close that these two gentlemen were amongst six people winning something that day. Deservingly, JC and Ed also captured the Nassau total net score.

Other Nassau corner winners: Most of the players could attest that the back nine on this golf course was a lot harder than the front. So, hats off to Steve Kim and Ron Wilson who both landed with both net score of 34 to seize the back nine. Manny Marquez with a streak of winning two in a row grabbed the front nine with Bert Cerrudo. Both signing a net scorecard of 33.
From L to R: Steve Kim, Ron Wilson, Manny Marquez, Bert Cerrudo
How about Julio Rodriguez winning both par 3s, the seventh and the seventeenth? There was a little controversy about this one as there was a mixed up of what two holes were to be contested. As a matter of fact, all par 3s had all closest to the pin markers and that was when the confusion started. Anyway, decision was made, and Julio’s winning shots stood.

Major contest updates: Dave Nelson maintains his lead in the POY race with ten-shot cushion over two second placers, Joey Cruz and Exe Navarette. Seho Oh keeps his lead in the SPOY race with the slimmest of margins over Exe Navarette by mere two strokes. Steve Kim’s lead over Julio Rodriguez in the MIP race has jumped up to 0.0384. So, after the twenty-second round with three rounds to go, same leaders held on to their lead for three weeks in a row.
From L to R: Dave Nelson, Seho Oh, Steve KIm
ANNOUNCEMENT: A message to members playing the Blind Partner event at Kingsforest after this Sunday at Carlisle, please adhere to SGC’s plea not to have any guest for this particular event. A light dinner after the round is in the offing compliments of SGC.
For those of you who are not committed yet to attend the awards/banquet night, please do so by contacting Rey Plaza or Joey Cruz.