Twenty-nine degrees Celsius at BraeBen golf course last Sunday which started promisingly good weather wise at tee off time for twenty-seven players. It did not last long enough as we got to the back nine. The clouds became darker and darker and the rain came pouring down. Our round was halted close to two hours by rainstorm accompanied by threat of lightning. Nobody wished the round would be cancelled due to inclement weather, but play resumed soon after. Four players did not bother going back to the course to finish their game, everyone else completed their respective rounds with lingering wet feeling as there was drizzle still coming down. Although it got better when the sun came out again later, it was grudgingly a little late for the latter groups playing.
Raining or not, someone had to excel to play the round regardless. Low and behold, Manny Chea not only showed up but nonchalantly played a marvelous round that propelled him to a spectacular gross score of three under 69. How about them apples? This is the Manny we used to know. Anyway, how did you think his net score would be? Forget about it – no one came close and because of that score, Manny grabbed the day prize. The slightly soaked eighteenth hole surrendered an eagle score to Manny himself discreetly finishing his super round. As far as Month 4 contest is concerned, he leads this one as well over the second placer, Steve Kim by three strokes. More of Manny later this page.

Nassau winners: A pedestrian, quiet performance by Julio Rodriguez was good enough to beat everyone else for the Nassau front nine and total net with net 32 and 66 scores respectively. Jess Velarde who brought with him a delicious ‘sisig putahe’ remarkably seized the back nine with net score of 31.
From L to R: Julio Rodriguez, Jess Velarde
Par 3 closest to the pin contest: More of Manny Chea as promised. He rifled a perfect shot on the seventh par 3 hole to win it. Jojo Dizon bragged about his shot that got the closest on the hundred and fifty yard-thirteenth hole.
From L to R: Manny Chea, Jojo Dizon
Major contest updates: The ever-steady Joey Cruz still leads all three – MIP, POY, & SPOY. With only five players getting in the MIP contest, Joey is ahead by 0.0255 MIP points and ten strokes POY lead over the same man, Julio Rodriguez; Seho Oh trails Joey by mere seven strokes in the senior department SPOY.
From L to R: Joey Cruz, Julio Rodriguez, Seho Oh
ANNOUNCEMENT: For those new members, SGC has the Grand Finals contest coming up in the next two weeks at Royal Ontario and Kingsforest golf courses on August 25, 2019 & September 1, 2019 respectively. Prizes awarded to member(s) with the lowest aggregate of 2 best net scores of these two consecutive rounds (Best 2 of 2 net scores). Top five win a prize. No qualification needed, just show up and play. Please be reminded to try avoiding having guests for these two days as it a Super Series weekend & Monthly 4 contest culminating at Kingsforest. For ruling on Grand Finals cancellation and ruling, check the posting about ‘Local Rules’ on SGC’s site.