Although conditions remained surprisingly playable for much of the afternoon given the forecast of a cool eleven degrees Celsius last Sunday, the sun was out with a slight breeze over our heads but got warmer in mid-afternoon. Carlisle golf course was in pretty dry condition even with rain the past few days. Only fifteen players showed up and played, I guess no one could be blamed for not showing up because of the weather and the uncomfortable wearing of irritating layers of warm clothing. Well, second round of the year is in the books and here we go.
Another plenty left in the tank moment for Rey Plaza as he maneuvered a magical Sunday round. Little did we know that Rey’s pursuit brought him a day prize with a staggering net round score of 66 with no one else closer except Erland Ibañez with a net of 69. Rey must be instilling himself a wealth of confidence heading to third game of the monthly race as he now leads by three over Julio Rodriguez with a total of 148 with three games to go. With that win, Rey also grabbed the Nassau front nine and the total net. What a way to go Mr. Plaza.

Capturing the best Nassau back nine scoring went to Joey Cruz and Erland Ibañez both with a dashing net of 32.

Joey Cruz

Erland Ibañez
Accuracy shot: We have a new sheriff in town…er I meant a new member with an intimidating array of precision swings, Joe Lewis (no, not that Joe Lewis the “Brown Bomber” ex-pugilist) fired the closest shot on the par 3 sixteenth hole. Last Sunday’s day winner, Julio Rodriguez did not go home empty handed by claiming the fourth hole.

Julio Rodriguez

Joe Lewis
ANNOUNCEMENT: Springfield Golf Club in Guelph area is our venue for this Sunday, and we were told by management that due to rain the past few days and this morning, the course is soaking wet most specially the back nine. We were told that they might stop the use of power carts if the wet conditions keep up. Springfield to let us know this Friday afternoon whether the use of power carts is possible.
This Sunday is your last chance to pay your membership fee as it was extended due to weather and other reasons. SGC’s bank account is not yet capable of money e-transfer, so please bring cash or issue a cheque. Scores for this Sunday and previous rounds are deemed null without membership fee.
UPDATE: Springfield just confirmed two hours ago that there will be no renting of power carts for this Sunday due to wet conditions, unless some drastic things happen. Springfield also offered $35 with pull cart tax included to those walking the course.