At twenty-one degrees Celsius, not a whisper of grumbling about the weather this time around at Lionhead’s Masters golf course last Sunday. We would hope to see mother nature treating us this good at least until late Fall. Nothing wrong with a wishful thinking, is there? Nice to see twenty-eight players battle it out for position with looming Month 2 contest in the horizon. Consistency is the name of the game folks.
For a sport that’s always been perceived as dominated by men, sport needs women. It gives calm and changes the culture of the whole sport in most sensible ways, no matter how you look at it. SGC gladly welcomes back our lone female member, Lina Mayo. After a long, long hiatus Lina who values as one of the mainstays of this organization, plays not surprisingly exceptionally well but enjoys doing it.

Lina Mayo
Being weekend warriors, no one was sure who would score the lowest score most specially with a not so easy course like the Masters as indicated by high scores submitted by the players. Ron Wilson carded a lone net score in the sixties closing with a 68 to seal an emphatic three-shot victory over Manny Marquez to win the day prize.

Ron Wilson
Nassau corners: Who else but an almost sweep by Ron Wilson to seize the back nine and total net score. Manny Marquez on the heels of a Nassau sweep last week was still able to grind out a good front nine win. The pieces are coming together for Manny and it figures that this maybe his breakout season.

Manny Marquez
Who has got the most accurate shots? This crafty veteran, Mar DeVeyra who would surprise us more often than not, shot it close on the par 3 eight hole. Jimmy Manguerra in all likelihood got the better of us by shooting the closest at the long hazardous eleventh hole.

Mar DeVeyra

Jimmy Manguerra
ANNOUNCEMENT: BIGAT, the host for this GTA Interleague just announces an increase of $5 to the entry fee to make it a total of $125. This is due to the choice of dinner menu with Station Creek according to them. This better be good.
Super Series is this week at Glen Cedars.