Almost perfect attendance last Sunday at Royal Woodbine golf course. At twenty-eight degrees Celsius, twenty-five members showed up and played plus two guests. Counting at the last minute before we teed off, only five members were AWOL. This venue was still considered the favorite of everyone because of its central location. It was sad to say that our summer past time was unhappily winding down to mere seven games. The thought of old man winter hanging around the corner made us believe that only a few days away, came the months of ending in brrrrrr. Septembrr, Octoberr… it? Freeze that thought.
How did they stack up at yesterday’s competition? For all I knew, playing two consecutive weeks with this member who I noticed a favored distance over a taste of accuracy, his driver produced enough yardage to accomplish a close affection to GIR every time he played. One of our newest members, Jess Velarde equipped with a good short game as well, turned in a net 65 earning him the day’s prize honors. Worth mentioning was the other only member in the field, Bingoy Peña who shot in the high 60s with a net of 67.

Jess V.
Nassau corners: A regular at this golf course Joey Cruz, posted a whopping front nine gross score of 38. Jess V. with his net 65 grabbed the total net score while sharing the back nine with Jimmy Manguerra.

Joey C.

Jimmy M.
Closest to the pin: Bong Munson’s shot at par 3 fourth hole never got challenged taking a birdie with him as well. Bert Cerrudo got the fourteenth.

Bong M.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: SGC in behalf of its members would like to thank Ely & Bingoy Peña for opening their home again for a light dinner after the round of golf. Everyone who showed up enjoyed the warm Peñas’ hospitality once more.
Hey how come there is no mention of my eagle at westview? It may have been a lucky shot but it still counts 🙂
Are you silly?….mannn!
There are a lot out there who doesn’t deserved skulls!!
Did you get it?
Boy, you are one smart cookie Rey P. Never under estimate the power thinking of a woman. Go girl. For those of you who were wondering what was this comment all about – it was about a joke posted on this web site under ‘Lighten up your day’ section. Any thoughts, anybody?