Well, weather was good. Competition was at its high level. All you got to do was show up and win a few of the prizes at stake at last Sunday’s SGC round seventeen at Kingsforest golf course. Free chicken wing dinner and choice of drinks were in the offing. What more could you ask for? Twenty-one players plus two guests did just that and enjoyed the entertaining day at the golf course. Although not everyone could be a winner, and with a third of rounds simmering down to the end of the season, life could be good. It was truly good. Participation was the main concern here, mind you. Some said, “Winners could be good losers, but sore losers could not be good winners”.
What was up? The “Smiling Collector” had done it again. Jojo Dizon, fresh from a week off made good of his refreshing start to win the day’s prize. The multiple winner of four times this year so far had it going early where he carded a closing net 69 to seal an emphatic two-shot victory at the finish over two of his pursuers – Rey Macapagal & Lina Mayo who both shared second place finish at 71 net score.

Jojo D.
Blind Partners contest winners: For Rey Macapagal & Lina Mayo although finishing second to Jojo D. did not come home empty after all. That partnership produced a total net score of 142 garnering them the first prize allocation. With total net score of 149, Pat Deoca & Rey Plaza grabbed the second prize while partners Ross Bautista & Dave Nelson placed third.


Lina M.
Nassau winners: The very same three people mentioned above took the honors for this contest. Rey Macapagal claimed the front nine, Lina Mayo reeled in the back nine while Jojo Dizon surged ahead from everyone to get the total net score. Life was good so far?
Sharpshooters contest: The long hazardous par 3 seventh hole was won by Ed Ilao while the ageless Pat Deoca got it close than anyone else at the fourteenth hole, his second prize take for the day. Not bad.

Ed I.

Pat D.
ANNOUNCEMENT: It was a blooming pity that two of SGC members showed up late at the golf course knowing that tee off time was at 2:00 o’clock PM when it was actually at 11:00 o’clock AM. Both players were not able to play because of the unfortunate situation. Please let this be a reminder to everyone that for those who have not given their emails or telephone numbers for SGC circulation, kindly provide them now so that any changes or breaking news that may happen to our schedule, we would be able to reach you. Any announcement receive in time could be posted at this web site or by word of mouth. Can we talk? Is it really that hard to keep in touch?