No rain. No disturbance. No interruption whatsoever from mother nature at last Sunday’s round 12 at Kingsforest. Merci beaucoup. With the sun beaming brightly at twenty-two players that showed up and played, we had all afternoon long with a slight breeze coming from the Hamilton peninsula at twenty-six degrees Celsius. All we gotta do was play and play good. Whaaat? Play good? This golf course somewhat got the best of us a lot of times. It was playing long and hard as indicated by high scores presented by the maddening crowd. A number of players were sighing grief about the slowness of putting greens. Good turn out by members as weather phenomena turning out to be in golfer’s favour………finally. It was not an ideal situation getting to the golf course as QEW traffic was quite heavy and infuriating at around noontime. This was the first time that SGC ever travelled to Hamilton at this time of day. Was it because of the tee off time change from AM to PM or Niagara had casino specials over the weekend?
Golf results: Mar Deveyra & Jojo Dizon carded the same net score of 71. Tying them for the day’s prize and of course the Nassau total net score. Bong Munson garnered himself another win by capturing Nassau front while our consistent always in the payroll every week member – Julio Rodriguez grabbed the back nine. Mind you, to add to his collection of “what more could you give me” moment, Julio also shot an eagle at the par 5 hole number four.

Mar DV.

Jojo D.

Bong M.

Julio R.
Closest to the pin contest: Seho Oh who we had not heard from for quite some time now, shot the closest at hole number 7 while Ed Ilao seized hole fourteenth.

Seho O.

Ed I.
Congratulations to the winners. Mucho abrigado to Ross Bautista for the round of drinks and food he provided. Remember his hole-in-one two weeks ago at Glen Cedars?
Announcement: For this Sunday’s round 13 at Woodington Lake, SGC contacted the golf course about certain holes having environmental areas setting. This is what they say: (SGC will once again confirm this situation when we get there)
1. Signs are posted around EA (environmental areas)
2. One stroke penalty if your ball enters EA.
3. Drop area is also available.
4. No entry to EA.
Additional info: I was checking their web site and these were the holes mentioned with EA: 5, 6, 8, 13, 14, & 15. You could help yourself by researching/asking them as well.
Please check the directions below of how to get to Woodington Lake. We are playing the Legend Course.
Address: 7110 4 Line, Tottenham ON L0G 1W0
Phone: 905-936-4343
From Toronto (East/ Central)
From Hwy. 401, take Hwy. 400 north for approx. 30 min.
Get off at Hwy. 9 (Orangeville / Newmarket exit)
Turn west (left) on Hwy. 9
Travel 17 km west on Hwy. 9
Turn north (right) on Tottenham Rd.
Proceed to Mill St. (second lights, 5 km north of Hwy. 9)
Turn west (left) on Mill St.
Travel 1.5 km west to Woodington Lake (7110 Mill St.)
From the Westend/Mississauga/Etobicoke
Take Hwy. 427 north to Hwy. 7 (end of Hwy. 427)
Turn west (left) on Hwy. 7 and travel 0.5 km to Hwy. 50
Turn north (right) on Hwy. 50
Proceed north for approx. 30 min. (through the communities of Bolton and Palgrave) to Hwy. 9
Turn east (right) on Hwy. 9
Travel Hwy. 9 for 2.5 km to “Adjala-Tecumseth Townline”
Turn north (left) on Adjala-Tecumseth Townline
Travel 5 km north to the 4th Line, Turn right (north)
Travel 0.5 km east to Woodington Lake (7110 Mill St.)
Hopefully you got most of the info you need to play this course. Another public info from SGC.