Another rain threat forecasted, another dud of a weather with temps on the cooler side of things at nineteen degrees Celsius. Nicer. Twenty-one players plus two guests got lucky at Royal Ontario last Sunday that started the day with gloomy dark clouds hoovering around but guessed what, a spray of sunshine happened as we played on in the afternoon. Most of us preferred this kind of weather singularities rather than having a super warm atmosphere, did we not?
How was this for showing up in his ever first round with SGC? Unlikely to be a contender for the day’s prize, Manny Marquez who sparsely played a year ago surprise everyone by showing up, tripled his first three holes with a taste of two birdies plus a few pars in his round, still managed to finish at top of the world with the lowest net score of 65. Talked about not losing hope and confidence later in a round after that early misgivings, huh?

Manny Marquez
Worth mentioning: How about the effort of these two members signing other net scores in the 60s – JC Montilla and Bingoy Peña? Respectively they posted a net round of 66 & 69.

JC Montilla

Bingoy Peña
Jimmy Manguerra posting five birdies altogether in his round helped himself sit at best gross of the day with remarkable 78. Nice to see that familiar swagger again in him.

Jimmy Manguerra
This latest round of golf so far unlike the previous three rounds did not yield any ties concerning best gross and net scores. Felt like It is going to be lonely at the top.
Nassau corners: Manny Marquez almost got a sweep winning all corners…. almost. With net 65 Manny convincingly bagged the total net as well as the front nine. Ron Wilson another member playing in only his second game of this early season, fired pars in his last six holes by grabbing the back nine.

Ron Wilson
Closest to the pin contest: One member showing up for the first time as well, Pat Deoca shot the closest on par 3 eight hole while Ross Bautista winning this contest for the second time let loose a wonderful shot at the hard pin location eleventh hole.

Pat Deoca

Ross Bautista
So far three members playing sparingly won something during the four-game stretch. Realizing that first timer is a charm adding that maybe in consciousness resting a bit may be good for your game?
Monthly contest: It is getting tight up on the leaderboard folks. Almost five players are continuing to catch up with the leaders – JC Montilla & Rey Plaza with three net score of 209. Bingoy Peña, Seho Oh, Jojo Dizon, Jimmy Manguerra, & Mike Montilla, are within three strokes or less behind the leaders with only one game to go.

Rey Plaza
Super Series concludes this Sunday, your last chance to join.
That’s all folks. Many thanks to the round of drinks from the winners and the deeeeelicious ‘9/11 phone call’ chicharron brought by Jess Velarde.
Congratulations to the winners.
Announcement: This is quite important. Please note that we will take attendance to our round of golf on June 3rd at Station Creek this Sunday at Royal Woodbine. Being a private golf course, their policy of submitting confirmed number of players eight days prior to our game is a must. If you commit to play and not able to show up, SGC has no choice but to pay the green fee in your absentia. The green fee then is taken out of your deposit. You may not be able to play if you did not confirm. So kindly make your commitment between now and this Sunday at Royal Woodbine to Joey Cruz, Rey Plaza and me either by email or our web site.