Food for thought: SGC with 55 percent of its members are seniors, needs young blood to replenish its membership count for the sake of its future. Whether you like it or not, things hopefully would be looking up to achieve such an achievement that relies on every member’s shoulder most specially to those younger members. SGC is such an accomplished organization not to attract newcomers to its fold. SGC just received a heartbreaking news that one of our old-timers is having health issues as of late. Nap Pascual is recently suffering different health complications. In behalf of SGC and its members, we would like to pray and wish for Nap’s speedy recovery. See you soon at the golf course, Bud. On a good note, I’ve known this member for a little short while when I joined SGC some years ago. Last Sunday I happened to be playing with this member as in many occasions over the years and he continues time after time to amaze me with his gentlemanly play and perseverance. Mar De Veyra who happens to be SGC’s most senior member has astounding physical stature. How I wish to be in a position like that when I get to be his age. Cheers.

Nap P.

Mar DV
SGC welcomes back Manny Marquez, Exe Navaretti, & Ron Wilson to our league and of course the ever loving gigolo, Ray Macapagal. We hope to see Pat Deoca, Fred Halili, Sam Kim, Lina Mayo, Jun Paculaba, & Para Tuy, freed from their respective accountable obligations and likely to see them at the golf course soon. Be glad to see you all back.
How about this? Prez Joey Cruz and Tony Peña have a viable suggestion of having seniors of 75 years of age if they still wish to play to give them a competitive status by teeing off from the forward tees. Let’s talk.
Round 5 at Royal Woodbine last Sunday: Guess what? Like the two previous Sundays, let me say it again – mother nature reigned supreme. Rain was the catapult for the whole day. It was so wet that day I had to wring dry my gloves with my hands every time I intended to use them. Anyway, out of nowhere a persistent player had to win this debacle event. What was so remarkable was the way he did it. Joey Cruz fired a gross score of eight over par 79 as if he was playing on a tropical island with coconut trees growing all over the place. It was so chilling display of scoring low consistently for his three starts that feared most of his competitors and backed off betting anything on the side. He deservingly got the day’s prize for this astonishing feat. Joey did seize one Nassau corner and shared the total best score with someone else as well as a winning share of Super Series 1. My, oh my, the fruitful results of playing in Pinas during the winter’s hibernation period was paying off.

Joey C.
Closest to the pin contest: Julio Rodriguez fired an accurately designed shot on the seventh hole while nobody got any closer to Jimmy Manguerra’s shot at the longest fifteenth hole par 3.

Julio R.

Jimmy M.
Month 1 contest: Another Pinas vacationing member, Jojo Dizon showed consistent play on three occasions winning this Month 1 contest convincingly.

Jojo D.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Beware of looking for lost golf balls in thick bushes. You could possibly get bitten by ticks that could result to Lyme disease. Common Lyme symptoms include:
•fever•headache•muscle and joint pain•spasms, numbness or tingling•facial paralysis•fatigue•swollen glands•expanding skin rash
People with Lyme disease often see symptoms within 1-2 weeks. But symptoms can appear as early as 3 to 30 days after a bite from an infected blacklegged tick.
People with Lyme disease often see symptoms within 1-2 weeks. But symptoms can appear as early as 3 to 30 days after a bite from an infected blacklegged tick.

The preceding post is not intended to scare you but just a simple precaution notice to avoid contacting Lyme disease.