It was never a doubt that a change in the weather phenomena lately had changed for the better. No more so cold temperatures wearing layer and layer of clothing, wet conditions almost every week that we took with a grain of salt, but hello humidity and pleasurably comforting much heated temps. Twenty-seven players welcomed the idea of playing in a twenty-five-degree Celsius temperature accompanied by sunshine at Westview golf course. This golf course was never in the likelihood of one of the favorite courses by most of the players. Why? A difficult setup and design attested by posted high scores, that was why. We couldn’t recall from past SGC’s engagements with this golf course that someone scored eagles on par fives mainly because of their length and difficult setup. Players also noticed a few changes with this golf course such as newly installed brick driving range platform, brand new range balls, and enhanced power carts.
When you strike it rich, might as well go for the entire gusto, and why not? Julio Rodriguez did just that. He could be a little surprise by the outcome of this Sunday’s prize distribution as he relatively signed in a pedestrian net score of 75. Actually, it was nothing else but a hard-earned performance by Julio due to a demanding golf course but still seen by most how extraordinary these high numbers were involving all the players concerned. He’s got the knack of doing better than anybody else involving difficult courses. Anyway, the day prize went to Julio, the second time he had done it this summer together with winning the Nassau front and the total net. Oh before we forget, it was Super Series week and guessed who grabbed the top prize as well – you guessed it, Julio.

Nassau back nine was won by Joey Cruz. His fifth of winning something in six starts. Not bad, eh?

Accuracy shots: Middle course par 3 seventh was won by Bingoy Peña while Ross Bautista fired a shot that stayed the closest after everyone behind his group tried to beat it on Lakeland course par 3 fourth hole to no avail.
From L to R: Bingoy Peña, Ross Bautista
Consistency performance race: Monthly prize series winners were shared by Jojo Dizon and Bingoy Peña.
From L to R: Jojo DIzon, Bingoy Peña
Congratulations to the winners.
ANNOUNCEMENT: GTA Interleague event is this SATURDAY, June 29, 2019 at 12 noon. Please wear your purple shirt with dark trousers. Pairing list is posted as well as GTA ruling and info. Play well, enjoy. Good luck.
For more information about the GTA event, please check the posting below. GTA pairing list is also posted at “Weekly results”. GTA pairing list