Not so bad weather wise at twenty-six degrees Celsius at KIngsforest golf course last Sunday. This was the twentieth game of the season and the best opportune time to get it going as it was the end of the month. Twenty-five players sweated it out trying to win few prizes available.
Since the writer of this blog is SGC member and plays regularly as well, what happens when he wins a round of golf? How does the writer give accolades to himself? Simple, say less and narrate the point of view story in the third person. This blog is obligated to announce and post the round of golf results whatever and whomever they might be. Clear as mud, don’t you think? Bert Cerrudo with his perfect round attendance for the summer in his twentieth game just like seven others, won and shared the day prize. He seized the Nassau corners – back nine & total net of 70. He is the first player to win the day prize three times this season, and his second win of the Super Series event.
Surprisingly enough, last Sunday was the eight time the lowest score of the day was shared by two people. KIngsforest golf course, what a beauty to very few. A very high net score of 70 unexpectedly won it all. One of the two winners who tied the very same net score won it too the last time SGC played this golf course. While that winner is not known for his length off the tee, he was saying about this course, “At most times playing short and, my ball is in the fairway, seems better than long and under the trees.”
How about turning back the clock? Jun Paculaba in his heydays could no doubt be in the running of whatever contest there was, but health issues unfortunately hit everybody as we go to climb arguably senior stages of our lives. This time around, Jun timely entered Super Series 4 contest for the first time and shared first prize with someone else. He must had known something or felt something. Men do have men intuition like women, don’t they? Not only that, he too shared the day prize equalling the lowest net of the day firing another 70.

Jun Paculaba
How about this sophomore member, Jess Velarde? This guy is one of those who can hit a mile off the tee. He claimed the Nassau corner front nine with a net of 35. Jess could have won it all but apparently the handicapping system would not allow it. Darn the breaks.

Jess Velarde
Closest to the pin contest: Accuracy off the tee to one of those eighteen holes pays good dividends even if you are having a bad day. Rey Plaza connecting on the par 3 seventh hard location hole, stuck it close enough to win it. Rey’s second in three starts. The late stage ‘bring me back my stolen good swing’ cameo by Jun Paculaba earned him the winning shot at seventeenth hole.

Rey Plaza
Major leaders update:
POY leader: Jimmy Manguerra, leader for three weeks now.

Jimmy Manguerra
MIP leader: JC Montilla, leader since the fifteenth game of the season.

JC Montilla
SPOY leader: Bert Cerrudo, new leader.