Twenty-nine degrees Celsius last Sunday at Glen Cedars golf course greeted twenty-six players. It was a muggy day with dark clouds hoovering above our heads with a threat of rain that never materialized as the sun came out mid-afternoon . This day was a prelude for next week’s Super Series 4 contest and the culmination of the Month 4 race. Not to late to join the SS4 contest as according to Jojo Dizon three more players entered this contest to bring the total to twenty-one aspirants.
Sunday’s round conclusion: Erland Ibañez finished atop the golf world by signing in a net score of 65 to secure his second win of the season joining six others as multiple winners so far this year. His surprising performance propelled him of a sweep as far as the contests he entered that were in the offing that day. Erland earned himself the day prize, Nassau corners – front & back nines as well as the total net; the first player to accomplish this feat this season.

Erland Ibañez
Closest to the pin contest: Sennix Bontigao got his mojo shot working at hole par 3 fifth hole to win it while Jojo Dizon birdied that ever so close shot at par 3 fifteenth hole from afar blue tees. Both players claimed the win in their last two starts.

Sennix Bontigao

Jojo Dizon
ANNOUNCEMENT: Just a reminder to all SGC members – SGC’s awards and semi-formal attire banquet night is to be held a week after the last game of the season on a Saturday at 6 PM sharp on October 13, 2018 at DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton, formerly Delta Hotel at the corner of Dixie Road and Matheson Boulevard, Mississauga. Parking around the vicinity is free. SGC recommends that members attend and enjoy this festivity most specially the four new members. Taste the warmest connection with the rest of the team. You can bring your spouse or a friend free of charge. You can also invite other individual(s) for a minimum fee to cover the cost. Dancing will commence right after dinner and the awarding of awards. SGC will be asking members to confirm their attendance three weeks prior to this affair.