A humid twenty-four degrees Celsius welcomed a twenty-seven-member field at last Sunday’s Super Series week. Surprisingly enough, of all the Kaneff golf courses, Royal Ontario presented SGC with no uproar, nor a fuzz whatsoever so on we played away. Could it be the reason of this venue being farther away from the main office location? Whatever it was, SGC likened the fact that this golf course aside from being one of the nicest courses we played, no hassle from those who were running the show at this site. So far so good. Only one glitch though, a few of the greens were showing damaged done by abusive suspected golfers not repairing ball marks and showing disregard by leaving dragged shoe cleat marks on the green surface. A good reminder to all SGC members to exercise care every time we played any golf course which undoubtedly members continued to do so. It was a nice day with the sun shining brightly but we were taken by surprise because it rained hard but only for three holes during the round then the sun came out again for the rest of the afternoon.
Here’s how things ended up at last Sunday’s Royal Ontario event. It was just a matter of time for our mild-mannered sophomore member to show what he has got. After a winless year last year, Erland Ibañez got it together for his sixth game of the year. He warranted a huge win by signing a net score of 67 to seal a day prize victory. Erland distinctively winning the ever huge sought after Super Series contest as well as the Nassau back nine & total net corners. Hold on, he also connected winning the closest to the pin contest at par 3 eleventh hole nearly missing an ace by inches. Boy, talked about a wholesale sale, this was it. It was refreshing to see broke the monotony of habitual winners for the past three months. Ironically enough, Erland claimed that he did not break 100 playing Copetown golf course a day before as a member of SOGA organization.

Erland Ibañez
Other Nassau corner winners: Jojo Dizon who is away for the next two weeks for a R&R shared the spotlight with Bong Munson by grabbing the front nine.

Jojo Dizon

Bong Munson
A cunning Sennix Bontigao feeling guilty to beat a previous nearest shot to the pin by Rey Plaza, got the closest at the par 3 eight hole.

Sennix Bontigao
Super Series 3: As mentioned above Erland Ibañez captured the first prize with net score of 67 while four players shared second place with net 73 – Mar DeVeyra, Jojo Dizon, Exe Navarette, & Seho Oh.
Month 3 contest: A found new love with his recycled swing, Mar DeVeyra beat a heavily favored, disappointed Jimmy Manguerra by slimmest of margins – one stroke to win the monthly contest. Mar, SGC’s original proud member since its creation way, way back, was making noise a lot lately. We noticed. JC Montilla settled farther back in third place money.

Mar DeVeyra
MIP: Results for race to Most Improved Player is posted. No new member has qualified for this contest. After fifteen games, only six members made it to regulations with ten games unaccounted for. JC Montilla leads the top six with 1.1265 differential points while Bingoy Peña comes second with a mere 0.1669 points behind. Mike Montilla, Jimmy Manguerra, & Rey Plaza are in third, fourth, & fifth place respectively with Jojo Dizon bringing up the rear in sixth place. Are we getting challenged yet as the season goes? Lots of time folks to get better.

JC Montilla
ANNOUNCEMENT: Annual ‘Blind Partner’ contest this Sunday at Kingsforest. Entry for this contest is mandatory. If you show up and want to play, you are obligated to pay the entry fee of $20. For those new members, please ask a member about this contest or go to our ‘Local Rules’ web site for contest rules.
Food for thought: It is OK to compete. It is also OK to lose as you can’t win them all. Moral of this quip: “The feeling of losing makes it hard to swallow onto yourself but it is harder for others to keep going if you impose your ill feelings toward them.”