Kaneff golf courses were all above average when it came to design to all of their venues compared to others with respect to green fee rates, but and this was a big but, why management fell in that category where you wished you would have never dealt with them in anyways at all at anytime? Two Sundays ago, we unexpectedly forced to play Legend course instead of the Masters course, at the last minute. It happened again at last Sunday’s round at Carlisle. There was a mixed up of what two nines we were going to play and a call back to us prior to that Sunday never happened in case of any changes. SGC members who showed up early were charged couple of dollars more for green fee when it actually was lesser than that as per previous booking. What was going on? I got a feeling that there was something missing with big organization like this one, and it was coming from the top down to the person cleaning the washrooms. Would you know what it was? Communication. It was a blooming pity to sacrifice those beautiful courses like those managed by people you wished with least desire to deal with. As paying customer, SGC was there to play, plain and simple and not expecting any surprises every time we played a Kaneff golf course.
Anyway, so much for harbouring discontentment and displeasure feelings. Who were the victors at last week’s event? We are past halfway of our great summer past time and this is the best time to think about being a contender or a pretender with so many accolades at stake.
A crafty senior veteran member just performed the best round of the day. And not by any stretch he was thinking of just being lucky. Mar DeVeyra with a spectacular net 63 pulled away from everybody winning the day prize. There is plenty of meat on this bone, mind you. Just a figure of speech, folks.

Mar DeVeyra
Nassau corners: Who else but Mar DeVeyra with a superb Sunday performance grabbed the total net as well as the front nine. Ron Wilson who won few prizes a week ago, seized the back nine. Now that was a persevering habit, wasn’t it? Just another day at the office.

Ron Wilson
There was no closest to the pin contest as there was no time preparing for this contest.
SPOY: We have a new senior leader going to round fourteen. Seho Oh upon completion of his twelfth game, now leads Bingoy Peña by eight points. Rey Plaza sits in third place two points behind second place while Mar Deveyra climbing up to fourth place two points behind Rey.

Seho Oh
POY: No changes here going to the fourteenth game of the year, but JC Montilla gained a stroke to add to his seven point lead a week ago on Jimmy Manguerra. Jimmy is now behind eight points. Mike Montilla still lagging behind in third, twenty-three points behind the leader followed by Jojo Dizon in fourth place and Bingoy Peña in fifth. Two more rounds to make the magic number fifteen with twelve games to go. Lots of time folks.

JC Montilla
SGC would like to acknowledge the hardest working three people week in and week out for now – Jojo Dizon, Bingoy Peña & Joey Cruz. You absolutely know what they do to keep our event running smoothly.

Jojo Dizon

Bingoy P.

Joey Cruz
IMPORTANT NOTICE: A word of advice from SGC prez to those who do not confirm but still show up to play or vice versa: Please be considerate. You are getting problematic to those people who are arranging the pairing list most especially when the golf course management asks for SGC’s lineup in advance. Thank you.