Three games to go and shortly we will be on our way to our own separate ways. Happy and sad, are you not?
Good weather temps at high twenty-seven degrees Celsius at Maples of Ballantrae Golf and Country Club last Sunday. We learned that this golf course got new ownership. At the end of this year, affiliation to Royal Woodbine golf course would be no longer. Twenty-four players showed up with two withdrawals before the round started and another two in the middle of the round. A number of players were gunning for Ron Wilson to win again for his fourth in a row. But unfortunately, like what the saying “Second verse, same as the first” opportune did not happen in so many ways. Anyway, for what I perceived from my last two outing with the same members playing in the same group, I had notice something worthwhile mentioning. I was playing in the same foursome with Joey Cruz, Ed Ilao, and Bong Munson for two consecutive rounds of golf for reasons that all four of us were likely running for the SPOY awards ……….. and so, I thought in my case. It was customary to SGC to group contenders at season end which was a noteworthy thing to do. I could see in Joey’s & Bong’s eyes before hand the excitement being built up within themselves and seemed driven to compete. Competed they did, played very well indeed – both carding net 67 although came up short of winning the day’s prize. But it was how these two members carried themselves playing this game that we loved that caught my attention. Both displayed maturity and finesse while complementing each other every time someone made a great shot. I was in awe and enjoying this display that these two members had shown. And yes, they both implied golf rules to errant shots with such a degree of tranquility accepted by each one with ease. Much appreciated the atmosphere that SGC’s prez had given away by leading a very good example how to play this game with reverence. I could assure you that these two were not the only ones who showed this kind of gamesmanship within the membership. Ed Ilao who did not perform that badly either was keeping the group feeling relaxed with his witty funny quips. Wondered why I picked these two members? For all I knew, I could only write what I observed and heard. If I learned niceties happening from other members during a round of golf, either by word of mouth or another, I’d be glad to post them.

Joey C.

Bong M.

Ed I.
Well something strange happened at the golf course last Sunday. One member who was on his way to buy milk stopped over and had a peek at the golf course. He was enthralled by the sight of the green and fairway grass so he decided to play a round of golf instead. Bingoy Peña, with his exorbitant taste of approaching a round of golf, did win the day’s prize by signing his card with a total net of 64. With this net total, Bingoy P. won the Nassau total net as well as the back nine. He then achieved his first win of the season and got ribbed by some of the members for that. There was always the first time, so they said. Well done.

Bingoy P.
Julio Rodriguez who rarely missed a beat by winning something every week seized the Nassau front. Mike Montilla and Mar DeVeyra were the other players posting a net round of 68 & 69 respectively.

Julio R.

Mike M.

Mar DV.
Closest to the pin: You just cannot disregard the presence of SGC’s only female golfer. Lina Mayo from time to time would show up and play. And played she did. None of the boys beat her shot at the sixth hole. Bert C. won the 14th.

Lina M.
Announcement: An annual SGC meeting is forthcoming soon sometime right after the awards night. There will be a lot of discussions regarding issues for next year. Your attendance is quite important as there are issues that will be discussed and voted on. SGC is still pondering what restaurant to hold this meeting. Early items considered to be discussed so far are: golf venues, red tees for men, $100 deposit, election of officers, golf rules, membership, and other issues. You are encouraged to voice out your opinions and other issues that may concern play for next year. Lamenting a decision fashioned by others for you by not attending is not apprehensible. Stand up and be counted. If I may add, prospected new members are invited to attend as kibitzers only and regrettably not allowed to vote. Deplorably, SGC is hinting that it may lose a member or two next year but that’s the way it goes. You lose some, you gain some. Fore!!