Twenty degrees Celsius at SGC’s twenty-first game last Sunday at Kedron Dells golf course. This golf course was quite a distance most especially from those who lived in the west end. It was so far away from Mississauga residents that they had to use the ‘rest area’ along the highway for a long drive – just kidding. Surprisingly enough, only eighteen players showed up.
On a serious note, it was never done before when a certain member won two tournaments in a row, let alone three in a row. Never seen it before during my years with SGC. Not anymore. Ron Wilson did just that – winning his third in a row. By outscoring the field with a net score of 70, Ron seized the day prize, Nassau total net score and the back nine………again. Could be four in a row in the offing? Huge, huge possibility.

Ron W.
To complete the Nassau corner winners, Joey Cruz and Jojo Dizon was spared by the dominating Ron by letting those two win the front nine.

Joey C.

Jojo D.
Closest to the pin contest: Bert C. guided a lucky 7-wood shot ten yards short of the green that crawled six feet to the eight pin. Jimmy Manguerra had the best shot at the 18th pin that was tucked difficultly away behind the right bunker sloping to the right side of the green.

Jimmy M.
These remaining games are one important circumstance to amass points to get higher up in the standings, in addition to getting accolades from winning something. Time is running out and with only four games unaccounted for, scoring low than anybody else is the most sought attainable goal for everyone vying for this year’s awards. You should ask yourself, why can’t it be me? And why not?
Update for the major awards:
MIP Leaders:
1. Joey Cruz
2. Bert Cerrudo 0.0066
3. Bong Munson 0.0103
4. Ed Ilao 0.0116
5. Ron Wilson 0.0253
6. Jimmy Manguerra 0.0433
SPOY Leaders:
13 games Value to replace next game
1. Bert Cerrudo 928 78
1. Joey Cruz 928 77
3. Bong Munson 933 76
4. Ed Ilao 940 77
5. Rey Plaza 958 79
6. Bing Peña 968 80
POY Leaders:
15 Games Value to replace next game
1. Joey Cruz 1082 77
2. Bert Cerrudo 1087 81
3, Bong Munson 1090 79
4. Jimmy Manguerra 1091 80
5. Ed Ilao 1094 77
6. Julio Rodriguez 1112 83