Before anything else for whatever reasons, SGC wishes to see more than the dissipating attendance for Manny Chea and Manny Marquez. SGC also gladly welcomes our prospected newcomers – Charlie Borromeo & Louie Romero. Hopefully they are enjoying the company so far.
Days were getting shorter. Temps were getting lower. Was it a sign of dwindling summer coming to an end? You bet. Thank goodness, no more 2:00 o’clock PM start in our schedule. At Westview golf course last Sunday with twenty-four players including three guests, it was a cool twenty-three degrees Celsius and was a bit pitchy dark when the last two groups were finishing their closing holes. With only one series to go, this was the conclusion of Month 4 and Super Series 4 contests. Times flew when you were having fun.
Prizes were up for the taking as it was the end of the month as mentioned above. Yes, you could blink now – in horse racing lingo winning in a spectacular fashion they said, “It is in the bag. Better go down and collect”. It was truly amazing how Ron Wilson made good of winning two weeks in a row. If your memory was still good, a week ago he posted a front nine net score of 28. Not this week though. He did one stroke better by carding a net score of 27. How about them apples? By winning the far-fetched Nassau front nine, he uncontestably did win the Nassau total net score by outdoing his last week’s score net score of 64 by two strokes with net 62. Ron convincingly captured day’s prize, Super Series 4, and Month 4 contests. In all likelihood if this trend continued, Ron could dominate all the way down to the last five games remaining. Power to the man!

Ron W.
Joey Cruz was the other Nassau back nine winner with a net of 34 narrowly beating Ron W. by a stroke thus preventing Ron a Nassau sweep.

Joey C.
Closest to the pin: Rey Plaza won the irritating green at Middle 7 while Julio Rodriguez shot the closest on Lakeland 4th hole.

Rey Plaza

Julio R.
End of month results: Month 4 considered as the one testing your good scoring consistency for a five-game spurt, was won by who else but Ron Wilson. Bong Munson narrowly beat for second place Rey Macapagal who placed third a stroke behind. Super Series 4 – the one contest not designed for weak hearts, was won by Ron Wilson. Was his name mentioned enough already or what? As Tiger Woods used to say, “Winning takes care of everything.” Indeed. Joey Cruz grabbed second while there was a three-way tie for third – Paolo Ballares, Ed Ilao, & Rey Macapagal.
Worth mentioning: With all the hoopla happening due to end of month contests, nobody fired a bonus shot like what Mike Montilla did the last time we played here at Westview in August. Mike silently eagled Lakeland’s fifth par 5 hole.

Mike M.
Hint: Sometime later this month, SGC plays Westview golf course once more. SGC trying hard to bring its niceties to this golf course management every time we play. In my own opinion, we are just about getting treated way below the normalcy we should be getting. The last time we played this venue last month, they mishandled the availability of power carts together with steadfast like cement fairways. Last Sunday, there were missing blue tee boxes that created chaos with our members. When the fourth foursome came at the first tee, only then when they realized to put back the blue tees at proper places after SGC made constant prodding about the missing tee boxes. By the way, we did not get any notification about the aerated greens, did we? Are we getting taken for granted or they do not want our business? Let’s hear it from you.