Shocking. Yes, it was a shocking Sunday at Westview golf course. We finally had that kind of sunny golfing weather after seven straight weeks of gloom. With temperature of thirty-two degree Celsius and amplified humidity, we got a relief from brisk winds blowing across the golf course every now and then. But I’d tell you what, the players were stunned to get this kind of weather for the first time in this summer’s young tournament. Most of the twenty players who showed up barely handled the heat and humidity as the day wore on. Get used to it I supposed. Would you rather have a rainy cold weather? Adding to our desolation of having tee balls that spent more time in the fairway trees than an arborist, this quirky-cool golf course returned the favor by biting our you knew what. Should we mention that the golf course management mishandled the situation by running short of golf carts? We believed we should. Was it a case of over booking they got the idea from Delta airlines or an impromptu of malfunctioning carts that brought the chaos within our club? At least we had the acknowledgement as well as an apology from the owner himself afterwards. Hmmmmm…….
No matter what kind of weather mother nature presented us, who would be the last man standing? When you were having one of those days, fighting for pars and smart bogeys were imperative, it helped build character. We could also say it was also part of becoming a real player. Regardless what happened, we had been there before. We could draw on some great practices where it was not like this was brand new ground where the signs were not there. I’ve had a front row seat playing with this member last Sunday in a foursome. Julio Rodriguez showed the composure of a veteran shooting a hard-earned net of 72. Numbers alone didn’t paint the full picture but scoring low with this kind of weather environment was almost intolerable. Julio’s Sunday’s win represented a continuation of some excellent early season form. Quashing the competition, he got the day’s prize as well as the Nassau corner sweep only to be tied with the cool and mild-mannered Mar DeVeyra at the front nine. Julio showed he could be around on some more Sunday’s in the future.

Julio R.

Mar DV
Par 3 contest: A hard hitting Jess Velardo got Middle course’s seventh while the ever competitive Sennix Bontigao fired the closest at Lakeland’s fourth.

Sennix B.
Food for thought: A good organization in the face of disgruntlement among members will have its uphill climb achieving relaxed and heaven like atmosphere. Members ought to ask themselves, “Can’t we get along?”
ANNOUNCEMENT: GTA tournament is this SATURDAY, June 17th. Please come early – 9:30 AM to register; SHOTGUN START AT 11:00 AM SHARP. Words of caution – since the holes for this golf venue are very close to each other, please be mindful of other golf balls flying toward your direction!!!! Play safely. To members who are representing SGC this year, good luck to you all, have fun. Be proud, we are defending champs.
Food for thought: … “can’t we get along?”
The Golden Rules says it all!
…only if we all care.
I tend to believe we are a bunch of decent people.
I still do. Lets show it!!!